C.O.R. Resolve

Every business – large or small – requires clear, actionable advice. Sometimes ‘settling a matter’ is the better part of wisdom.

Mediation is a popular alternative dispute resolution process brings many advantages to business clients in litigation. Disputes can be quickly and cost-effectively resolved, often without going to trial. It is confidential and flexible, as the parties are free to come up with creative solutions that meet their needs. It also encourages respect and collaboration between the parties, which can result in better and more lasting relationships. Additionally, since it is voluntary and the parties have control over the outcome of the mediation process, they are able to shape their own agreements. Finally, it allows for an open communication between the parties, which can lead to better decisions and an enduring meeting of the minds.
Conflict Dynamics Profile
C.O.R. is certified to train and administer the Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP) in employment contexts. We know teams experience conflict in the usual course of business. However, when conflict morphs into an unhealthy state, those dynamics can manifest as distractions that negatively impact business. CDP is an excellent tool for self-awareness and working through these challenges. Unlike most assessments, the CDP focuses specifically on conflict behaviors, rather than styles. It helps teams collectively infer and observe how they respond to triggers that escalate. The individual feedback gives individuals tools to manage through these often difficult times, more effectively. A game changer.