The Blog: C.O.R Times
The Big Idea
Creativity and Innovation Stanford Online (Stanford Center for Professional Development, a leader in online and global education) offers busy business owners and professionals online training in areas like creativity and innovation that will stoke new ideas among your...
Welcome to C.O.R Times!
In this space we will post articles relevant to us in business and our well being. We are proponent of strength, valor, and nobility (even in small matters). Seriousness is balanced with a bit of levity in all-things-business. The most able entrepreneurs and leaders...
“Small” Business or Advance and Expand
In a University of California at Berkeley’s Hass School of Business article, Building Sustainable High-Growth Companies: Management Systems as an Accelerator, the authors suggest that “companies founded with enthusiasm and hope for high growth fail to meet their...
The Libertarian
The nature of laws . . . .
Where Do We Go From Here?
Stay tuned . . . .